
Monday, April 9, 2012

Cats and Cystitis
Water, water everywhere. Cats need to drink more water than we give them credit for. They are by their nature prone to cystitis and one way to help alleviate this is to provide them with clean drinking water. The body is an amazing thing: If it doesn't have enough of something it needs, it finds a way to get it. If a cat isn't drinking enough, his body will find a way to conserve and reclaim water. One way is by reabsorbing water from the urine, making it more concentrated. The urinary tract lining in cats that have already had a bout of cystitis or FUS is particularly sensitive, and concentrated urine can trigger additional attacks.
Make sure your cat has constant access to plenty of clean, fresh water. Watch for your cat's drinking preferences -- some favour drinking from a tap, a water bowl on the floor or even the toilet. It might seem odd or even a little bit disgusting, but it's probably a good idea to cater to his water-drinking whims, especially if the option is a flare-up of bladder disease.
At Invisible Fence Band we are fully aware of this problem with cats and although we cannot force them to drink we know that running water is generally more interesting to them, that's why we now offer our Drinkwell Platinum Fountain and accessories. Please click here for more information: 
Please watch our short video that allows you to get an idea of what Invisible Fence Brand products can do.

Monday, November 7, 2011

The hows, whys and whats of Invisible Fence Brand

How? To put it simply, a wire is discreetly installed around your property to create an Invisible Boundary®. Our professional pet trainers effectively teach your pet boundaries and avoidance behaviours so your pet clearly knows where they can and cannot go. Your pet’s custom programmed Computer Collar® delivers a warning tone and if needed a non-harming but effective static correction should they forget or try to test their limits. 

We've devoted nearly 40 years to technology that helps pets quickly, easily, and safely understand their boundaries around your home. And that's why we have a 99.5% customer satisfaction rate and over 2 million pets happily enjoying their homes.